White Horse Laboratories Achieves ISO 17025 Accreditation for Test Centres in Shenzhen and Cleveland

Recently, our William Shockley Test Center in Shenzhen, China, as well as the Jack Kilby Testing Centre in Cleveland, USA, have become accredited testing laboratories according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017. Our accreditation means that you can always rely on high safety standards, excellent performance and guaranteed quality.


Recognition of the high technical competence of our laboratories

ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation confirms that a testing laboratory is technically competent and capable of producing valid and reliable test results. It stands for the highest quality assurance and management system standards in laboratory environments. Its importance is particularly evident in the context of the AS6171 and AS6081 standards, which specifically define the criteria and methods for identifying electronic components that may be counterfeit. We objectively test your products within the framework of recognized and accredited test methods. The test reports produced on the basis of these internationally recognized procedures enjoy worldwide acceptance. This approach offers you security and also helps to save costs, as multiple assessments can be avoided.


Our Mission: Consistent and High-Quality Testing Services

ISO 17025 accreditation is an expression of our commitment to consistently deliver high quality testing services. It also ensures that all White Horse Laboratories worldwide operate to the same high quality standards and criteria. This gives our customers confidence that they can always count on our consistent service and reliability, regardless of their location.


Global quality - available locally: German test house follows Shenzhen and Cleveland

Auch unser Prüflabor in Puchheim bei München wird nach denselben Vorgaben arbeiten. Der Standort wird denselben hohen Standard wie unsere akkreditierten Labore in Shenzhen und Cleveland aufweisen und stellt einen weiteren wichtigen Baustein unserer internationalen Qualitätsverpflichtung dar.


Our customers rely on the quality of our services. The accreditation of the laboratories in Shenzhen and Cleveland confirms that we meet these expectations. Our newly established testing laboratory in Puchheim will closely follow these high standards. We are proud to offer reliable and first-class testing services 'Made in Germany'.

Horst Fischer, General Manager White Horse Laboratories GmbH


The advantages of ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation at a glance

  • Trustworthiness through commitment to confidentiality and impartiality
  • Application of standard-compliant measurement and analysis methods guarantees consistent quality
  • Sound test reports and valid results with international validity
  • Precision and traceability of all measured variables to recognized standards
  • Reliable measurement results through proven methods for determining measurement uncertainties
  • Reliable and comparable test results at any time
  • Highest technical standards in our laboratories and continuous monitoring of the test environment conditions
  • Continuous improvement of our services through further development of the management system and training of our specialist staff

We look forward to meeting your needs with these high standards and our commitment to quality.

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